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Elective Procedures and the Post COVID-19 Surge:
What Happens Next and How to Get Ahead of It
This powerful discussion outlines the urgency of creating a cost-containment strategy to offset the surge in rescheduled procedures and the associated post COVID-19 costs.
Learn how Bluebook can help employees and enrolled members understand the importance of choosing cost-saving, high-quality providers.
Coronavirus. Until a couple of months ago, most of us had never heard the word—now it’s part of our daily vocabulary. “Normal” disappeared overnight along with business as usual, which includes how we use our benefits and how we choose healthcare.
When COVID-19 slammed into the U.S. in March 2020, more than 12 healthcare systems across 37 states were either mandated or chose to delay elective surgical procedures. As states begin to loosen restrictions, 80 percent of those procedures are expected to be completed this year. But, at what cost?
For patients. The sad reality is that the health status for many waiting for care has become a “ticking time bomb,” requiring hasty high-cost decisions based on escalating critical needs.
For employers. The surge to rapidly schedule thousands of delayed procedures—from non-essential to urgent care—is prompting insurers to begin setting their rates for next year, which could increase healthcare benefit costs for employers by 4% - 40% if carriers try to recoup costs incurred during the pandemic.
Add the estimated costs for COVID-19-related illnesses and employers could be looking at $34 billion to $251 billion for testing, treatment and care.
Does your organization have a plan in place to offset the post-COVID-19 surge in elective procedures and associated costs?
If not, a recent Bluebook webinar, Elective Procedures and the Post COVID-19 Surge: What Happens Next and How to Get Ahead of It, provides detailed information on the current healthcare crisis and how to mitigate the expected cost and procedure surge resulting from delayed care.
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