As policy experts work to identify key drivers of growing healthcare costs, the entire healthcare system is under scrutiny. Experts assert that ...
Chex Awards by Quantros are based on our patent-pending quality scoring system, which compares inpatient quality performance across all general, ...
Author: Shane Wolverton | Senior Vice President, Corporate Development
The purpose of Healthcare Bluebook is to protect patients by exposing the truth about healthcare cost and quality variation, so people are empowered ...
Shortly before I started at Healthcare Bluebook, my four-year-old son, who was in good health and not overweight, was snoring a lot and appeared to ...
Mike saved over $10,000 on knee surgery just by going to a surgery center over a big hospital. He even got to keep his surgeon, Dr. David Moore, team ...
In response to Dr. Rick Abramson’s comments published on April 25, 2017 – “In health care, price is not the only factor” – I agree that quality and ...
What's it like to work at Bluebook? What kind of things should you expect to see at Bluebook's headquarters? Why do healthcare price and quality ...
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